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Simple career hacks that few people actually follow

Becoming successful in your field of work can be notably difficult. It usually requires a balanced mixture of patience, hard work, perseverence and good luck. When pursuing their career goals, people often tend to forget that sometimes, following the advice of professionals can actually help.

David Teten is an entrepreneur who decided to share his most important career hacks to those who want to climb their way to the top. These are a few of them, as listed by Time:

1. Listen and write down what you hear


Writing stuff down is a sure way to make yourself known as someone worth trusting to carry out tasks.

2. Organize your data

Successful people are careful in regards to organizing their notes on meetings, people and assignments. A good CRM system can be found on

3. Follow the instructions

Before doing any task, look for the instructions. Google can help you with basic research. Not doing this is a sign of not being able to operate individually.

4. Over-communicate

If you don’t understand the objective of a task or believe that someone else has already taken care of it, you need to communicate with your colleagues. Make sure you are wasting no time.


5. Double check

The smartest person isn’t necessarly the one who gets promoted. It is the person who catches mistakes and fixes them.

6. Think differently

Dare to think outside the box and see where it takes you. Bring innovative ideas to the table, even if only few of them receive positive feedback. This will be helpful when a promotion is available.

Daisy Wilder
