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What to do when you lose your job


There will be a day in your life that the unthinkable will happen. The feeling of losing a job when you least expect it can be discouraging and the reality is that in today’s economy, most of the time an employee is not always at fault. On a more positive note, if you felt like you were outgrowing your position, you can spread your wings and find a new job with a different company.

After speaking with some professionals that I know, many said that they had a feeling it was coming. The signs were staring them right in the face, but they wanted to believe it’s not going to happen. A few of the signs that your position may come to an end are your manager no longer invites you to important meetings, several other employees in your department were terminated, or your responsibilities get assigned to one of your colleagues.

If this ever happens to you, accept your feelings, especially if you enjoyed working there. When you work for a company for a few years, it often feels like a second home or like your colleagues are a second family. After you have time to let go of the past, you have to be ready for a game plan. Here are my best tips to help you succeed.

1.   Ask about outplacement services.

Most people that lose their jobs are unaware that outplacement services might be available through their employer. Ask your company if it is available because it can potentially help you with transitioning into a new job opportunity with a new company. It will save you the time and stress of the journey it will take you to find work.

2.   Verify if your health insurance can assist.

Before you leave the building, ask your manager or a human resources specialist if there is continuing health insurance coverage available for the situation at hand. The other alternative is to find out if opening a new policy will help you financially until you find a new job.

3.   Google search your name.

One thing that most people forget to remember is regularly checking their name in a Google search. You will be surprised how many personal photos on Facebook can appear. It will help you with figuring out if your photos or personal videos that are public are appropriate. The last thing you want to happen is letting your hiring managers, or an employment agency, find content that will lessen your chances of being called for an interview.

4.   Remove inappropriate content on social media.

Most of us have our opinions about Donald Trump and the many other trending topics we see online every day. Review all your social media accounts to ensure that the articles, videos, blogs or photos that are on your page are not offensive to the general public. You can easily clean them up by changing your privacy settings.

5.   Ask yourself how much you are worth now.

Losing a job doesn’t mean that you are unworthy of receiving a higher income. Many employees that are in this position do not realize that all the smart work, extra assignments, and committee involvement helped to increase their financial worth in the workplace. There is a list of websites that you can check to find out what the hourly rate is for someone with your expertise.

6.   Don’t let your feelings stop you from winning.

It can be a difficult time when the future is uncertain. The best advice I can give you is to keep your mind in a positive place. Surround yourself with people in your life that want the best for you. Listen to motivational authors and take a vacation if you have the resources. The last thing you need is to get depressed or start believing that the job loss means you are inadequate. Remember that a job does not define the true essence of who you are.

Think of a job loss as the beginning of a new future. Imagine all the new people you will meet at the next company and how much you have to offer. It might not seem like a positive situation to be in, but you might be thankful as time passes. Whether your employer can offer you outplacement services or you find an opportunity on your own, there are many other people out there that are going through the same situation. Take the time to heal and let go of the past because a new opportunity is waiting.

Miss Waterman
