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Five tips on how to keep your job


If it’s one thing you don’t want to lose it’s your job, here are five tips on how to keep your job

As bad as today’s economy is the last thing you want to do is lose your job. The unemployment rate in Connecticut alone is 4.9 percent. Coming from someone who was once unemployed for six months, one thing you don’t want to be without is a job especially if you have a family. I’m just going to say it plain and simple, being unemployed is miserable. With all of this being said, here are five tips on how to keep your job.

Work hard-I know this sounds like a given but a lot of people don’t do this. A lot of people go to work and slack off. No matter where you work at, even if you flip burgers and shake fries, take it seriously because there are a lot of people that would like to be in your position.


Be nice-When I graduated college someone gave a speech and said, the two main things you want to do in life are work hard and be nice. He couldn’t have been anymore correct. No one wants to work with someone that has an attitude problem. Someone who doesn’t treat their customers, patients or clients right isn’t going to last long at all. A smile goes a lot way especially in the restaurant industry.

Be on time-I can’t stress this enough. If your shift starts at 11:00 that doesn’t mean get there at 10:54. What you really want to do is get there about 15 minutes early. This shows that you are eager and ready to work.

Avoid drama-Sadly, most jobs have drama. This drama includes workers trying to throw each other under the bus, backstabbing, snitching, gossip and rumors being spread. Don’t gossip, don’t be catty and don’t go along with the drama. To be honest, you don’t even really have to speak to your co-workers, just hi and bye. Remember you’re there to make money not friends.

Stand out in a positive way-Try to find something that you are very good at, at your job and chances are your supervisors will notice that. For example, I am very good on register at my job so whenever someone calls out at my job they like to call me because they know I am reliable.



Krystal Goethe
